Majority of people believe that violence on television does have negative influences on society. Television violence has a negative effect on society because it can influence to become violent and take drugs in the future. Scientist has also tested and proven that television violence has negative. · Negative Effects on Adults Research shows that people who watch TV for three or more hours a day are twice likely to die prematurely as compared to Watching TV may lead to overeating and make things worse. You are likely to overeat while watching TV because mental Watching too much TV may make Negative effects of the TV became quite obvious fact. As a consequence, TV affects human physical, mental and social health in a very destructive ways. One reason why people should not watch too much TV is reduction of mental capacity. Because when people watch an excessive amount of television they do not look for new solutions of any problems. TV changes the way of thinking
Effects of watching too much TV -
Abstract In this cause and effect essay we presented the reasons why watching too much TV is harmful to people. Excessive TV watching leads to many psychological and physiological problems.
Keywords: TV, frustration, negative thinking Nowadays watching too much TV became a very widespread problem. We can see TV in every home, even the parents begin to teach their children to watch TV in early childhood, because they think that is a good way to develop a child.
Sometimes people forget that the TV does not always carries only positive aspects. Negative effects of the TV became quite obvious fact.
As a consequence, TV affects human physical, mental and social health in a very destructive ways. One reason why people should not watch too much TV is reduction of mental capacity, short essay on bad effects of watching television. Because when people watch an excessive amount of television they do not look for new solutions of any problems.
TV changes the way of thinking. This is especially noticeable in the younger generation. Usually the film ends happily, even if the characters in the film were pursued by criminal group or Interpol. Because of this, people stop to look for the solution of problems and expect that everything will be resolved by itself well. In their brains creativity and the desire to create completely replaced by continuous consumption of the information which was produced by TV.
That is why after watching too much TV people get typical forgetfulness and short essay on bad effects of watching television ability to think abstractly.
Also excessive TV watching changes the outlook on life. Most of those who met in real life with the representatives of various professions, say that, in reality, these people are quite different. They are very different from television characters, because TV does not show the reality, but try to show perfect life. As an another short essay on bad effects of watching television, excessive TV watching leads to emotional frustration in families and problems with relatives. It happens, because people get used to observe the dramatic developments of heroes screen, to share all their experiences, tragedies, challenges and so on.
Rather than spend time with family and friends, people are worried about fictional characters. People are so accustomed to these characters that other people may seem less intimate than the vending hero of the next series.
Maybe if people will spend more time with their relatives and families instead of watching TV, the statistics of broken marriages will be many times better. Also watching too much TV is harmful because the human brain is filled with redundant information. A huge stream of advertising, TV shows, TV series and news releases emotional cripple person. Usually people can see dozens or hundreds of commercials for the evening, which will be later mixed in unthought mess in their heads.
If people beat the heads with useless information they totally do not leave space for a really worthwhile information. Thus it can be said that in the modern time watching TV is an attribute of a limited world view and lazy lifestyle, which leads to many psychological and physiological problems. Patriarca, A. Use of television, videogames, and computer among children and adolescents in Italy. BMC Public Health. If you are looking for the up to date academic paper samples, you are welcome to visit essayhelp.
org and do it with pleasure. Your email address will not be published. References Patriarca, A. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Order now, short essay on bad effects of watching television.
Disadvantages of Television
, time: 1:34The Negative Effect of Television on People Essay | Bartleby
Majority of people believe that violence on television does have negative influences on society. Television violence has a negative effect on society because it can influence to become violent and take drugs in the future. Scientist has also tested and proven that television violence has negative. Negative effects of the TV became quite obvious fact. As a consequence, TV affects human physical, mental and social health in a very destructive ways. One reason why people should not watch too much TV is reduction of mental capacity. Because when people watch an excessive amount of television they do not look for new solutions of any problems. TV changes the way of thinking · Harmful Effects of Television on Students. Television is the choicest but the worst gift of science to man. In modern time it has become a craze for every home to buy a T.V. set. A T.V. set is also considered as an integral part of dowry. Like many other curses of science T.V. too has its weak points. It wastes the precious the time of the of their whim for watching plays, serials, features and
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