Sample of a paragraph developed by definition: In the paragraph below, the writer defines the term paradigm, which is a key term in her thesis. She has placed this paragraph right after her introduction, as a first body paragraph so as to give readers the information A definition paragraph is a paragraph explaining a term or subject, so your audience comprehends the topic of the paragraph. Class is when you put your topic in a larger category to explain your term. EXAMPLE: A pineapple is a tropical fruit that has an acidic and sweet taste. K views · This video explains the organization of a definition paragraph. This project has been created with Explain Everything™ Interactive Whiteboard for iPad
Definition paragraphs
A pencil is a tool we use for writing. It is made of a piece of graphite and a piece of wood or plastic. The graphite leaves marks on paper and the wood or plastic holds the graphite so it example of a definition paragraph not break. The most important thing about a pencil is that the marks it makes can be erased. Pencils are very good for drawing and for doing math, because if we want to change something, we only need to rub it out and draw or write it again.
Pencils are better than pens when we might need to change or correct what we are putting on paper. This idea is a little like the idea of personal warmth in English. He or she says and does things which show respect and caring for the other person.
Being with him or her is a pleasure and seems to be enjoyable for him or her, too. In fact, there is a feeling of sharing, example of a definition paragraph, as if sharing a friendly meal. An eraser is a tool used for rubbing out pencil markings.
Erasers are typically made of rubber. They are quite flexible and can come in almost any color. Example of a definition paragraph erase pencil markings, we simply rub the eraser back and forth over the markings until the markings disappear. Unlike white-out and correction tape, which mask the markings we wish to change and must remain on the page to be effective, erasers leave small slivers of rubber which can be easily brushed off the page, leaving very little trace of themselves or the markings they have removed.
For most people, the word tissue means a very thin and soft piece of paper used for wiping something example of a definition paragraph their face or bottom.
People use tissues to clean up under and inside their noses when they have a sniffle or a sneeze, remove food from around their mouths after they eat, example of a definition paragraph, and get rid of fecal matter or urine after they go to the bathroom.
Because they are example of a definition paragraph, tissues do not hurt the body when pressed against or drawn across the skin.
Because there are many spaces between the fibers of which the paper is woven, tissues are very good at grabbing and holding droplets and grains. Once a piece of tissue has been used, it is simply thrown away, either in the garbage or in the toilet. Although traditionally sold in separate forms for use on the face and in the bathroom, tissue paper is often used in either form for either part of the body. A car is a four-wheeled vehicle that travels on roads. However, example of a definition paragraph, when used to identify a particular vehicle, the word car usually means a motorized, enclosed, four-wheeled vehicle with a long, example of a definition paragraph, low engine compartment in front of the windshield, seating for two to five people, a compartment in back for storing small items such as grocery bags and suitcases, and a roof low enough for the head and shoulders of an average-sized adult to be seen over.
This use of the word does not include small trucks and vans, which are generally called trucks and vans in this context.
The word car can refer to the purpose and size of a general type of vehicle or the purpose, shape and size of a specific vehicle. A garbage can, or waste receptacle, is a container for temporarily storing refuse and waste.
There are many kinds of garbage cans. They can be made of various materials, such as metal or plastic. They can be made in various shapes, such as boxes or cylinders. They can be made for different types of garbage, such as regular waste and recycled waste. They may have lids for keeping the garbage dry, pedals and levers for raising the lids by foot pressure, handles for safer lifting, wheels for easier moving, or attachments for lifting by garbage trucks with arms.
Some garbage cans are designed for use outside while others, such as kitchen garbage cans, are for use indoors. They come in different sizes, such as giant school garbage bins that stand in the parking lot or tiny bathroom waste baskets that stand under bathroom sinks.
Whatever its design, the garbage can serves mankind and the environment by neatly holding unwanted materials and items until they can be taken away to landfills, incinerators or recycling stations. The computer is a machine used to store and manage information.
Modern computers consist of a hard drive for storing software and digital files, a central processing unit for reading and processing the software and files, and a user interface usually a screen, keyboard and mouse for allowing the user to interact with the software and files.
Modern computers have many uses, example of a definition paragraph, including word processing, image and video editing, digital drawing and painting, animation and information searching. Through the Internet, a system connecting computers all over the planet, computers allow users to access information of all kinds in all manner of languages. Computers increase the power of human beings to gather, generate and make use of information.
A definition paragraph explains what something is or what a term means. For example, I am writing this paragraph to explain what definition paragraphs are and what the term definition paragraph means.
Definition paragraphs contain three types of sentences: a topic sentence, several supporting sentences and a concluding sentence. The topic sentence of a definition paragraph usually gives a general definition of the term. This will often be the idea that the reader remembers afterward. The supporting sentences give details which make the definition more clear. The details may include examples, description, comparison and contrast, classification, analysis or any other form of explanation that helps to clarify the term.
The concluding sentence usually gives a contextual definition, for example, the type of situation in which an object or term would be used. Definition paragraphs are often used in academic papers to explain specific or special uses of familiar words so that everyone understands exactly what is meant in the particular context.
They are also very useful for explaining words and phrases from other languages, especially when there is an important cultural connotation. Writing a definition paragraph is a bit like writing your own dictionary.
A process paragraph describes a process. A process is a series of steps leading to a result. Brushing your teeth, example of a definition paragraph, tying your shoelaces and getting from your house to your school are examples of very common processes.
Process paragraphs contain three types of sentences: a topic sentence, several supporting sentences and a concluding sentence. The topic sentence of a process paragraph gives a general description of the process, example of a definition paragraph.
For example, it may say that the process is easy or difficult, simple or complicated, important or useful. The supporting sentences detail the steps. The level of detail of the steps in general and of any step in particular depends on the needs of the readers. The concluding sentence repeats the general description in a more specific form and may include a promise or warning related to proper completion of the process.
A good process paragraph is a recipe for success, because it shows the reader exactly how to do something from beginning to end. An opinion paragraph tells people what the writer thinks or feels about something. Most opinion paragraphs express the view that something is good or bad, both good and bad, or neither good nor bad. Like other types of academic paragraphs, opinion paragraphs contain three types of sentences: a topic sentence, several supporting sentences and a concluding sentence.
A smart phone is basically a cell phone with some important extra features. Unlike ordinary cell phones, it can connect to the Internet through a Wi-Fi or 3G wireless connection, giving the user access to most Web services such as email, video chatting and ebooks, and also comes with GPS. The smart phone is a powerful combination of several important mobile devices. Posted February 22, by markpenny. You are commenting using your WordPress. com account. You are commenting using your Google account.
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How to Write a Definition Paragraph - English Writing Skills - 2020
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Example Essay: Bravery (Abstract Concept) The basic structure of a definition essay is the same whether you’re defining a concrete or abstract concept. Here is an example definition essay for an abstract concept. Everyone feels afraid from time to time A definition paragraph is a paragraph explaining a term or subject, so your audience comprehends the topic of the paragraph. Class is when you put your topic in a larger category to explain your term. EXAMPLE: A pineapple is a tropical fruit that has an acidic and sweet taste. K views · This video explains the organization of a definition paragraph. This project has been created with Explain Everything™ Interactive Whiteboard for iPad
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